
Women’s History Month

Today is the last day of Women’s History Month. I’ve been super busy in my personal life that I have been M.I.A. However, I had to come through to celebrate and acknowledge such an important occasion. During this month, we celebrate all the great women in history and the present day heroines who have contributed significantly to society and the progression of women. We salute these women for blazing the trail before us and shattering those glass ceilings in order to make our path easier.

There are so many past and present day women who we can acknowledge. While reflecting on the qualities and attributes that highlights their greatness; I challenge you to look for those same qualities in you or the women around you. Many of these heroines are fearless and resilient. They set out to evoke change and when faced with obstacles, these phenomenal women continue to fight on despite their personal flaws or the resistance of the world. Most of all, heroines take all the lessons learned and evolve. That is the reason we utilize the entire month of March to celebrate women. We have earned our crowns and deserve our flowers.

Although this month has come to an end, the celebration does not stop. Reflect on the many obstacles you have overcome thus far and celebrate your successes. Continue to fight to change the world daily in everything that you do. Be fearless, resilient, and evoke change no matter where you are. Walk tall, hold your head high, be confident and use your voice. Believe in your abilities, talents, and all that you posses. Make a lasting impression in the hearts and minds of everyone you encounter. Even if the world doesn’t know your name, strive to impact the people you meet. Today we celebrate you and all women as we use the foundations of the past to blaze our own trails of today, and pave the way for future generations. For Women’s History Month this year, Honor the past, Celebrate the present, and Be the future. Continue to Be Inspired and Evolve.


Black History Month Celebration

Lift every voice and sing! All my melanin kings and queens Stand Up! February is here and it is officially Black History month. Although we are black and proud everyday, this is our time to celebrate our African American heritage and all that we have overcome, both past and present. All month long the world recognizes, honors and celebrate our greatness. Honestly, with all the glass ceilings we have been shattering lately, I do believe that this year the celebration should be amplified!

Black History month is a time where we reflect on all the obstacles we have overcame in the past. We remember our struggles as a race and the fight to equality. During this time, we also recognize important historical figures who helped push the envelope inspire of adversity to help propel our race forward. Also, we commemorate those African American kings and queens who have contributed to society and the world through their inventions, art, music, movements, etc. Together we pay tribute to our heroes/ sheroes both past and present who continue to fight on and lead us on the path to equality. As a race, we have a long way to go but look how far we have come.

This month is such a special, momentous occasion. My challenge to all my readers no matter the race is to research some important African American historical figures, past and present, and their contribution to this world. Then, join in the celebration and help us pay tribute to them. Some examples include Nelson Mandela, Langston Hughes, Harriet Tubman, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, Esther Rolle etc. I also encourage all my melanin brothers and sisters to keep the tic tok videos, meme’s, and social media celebrations going. I see you! Televise our greatness and let the celebration continue. Continue to be inspired and evolve! Happy Black History Month!


The Power of a Dream

This week we celebrate the birthday of a very important historical figure, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This man’s actions inspired change that is still evident in the world today. Dr. King had a dream that everyone would be treated equally. He gave his speech amongst the masses and ultimately created the change that he wished to see in the world. Dr. King’s speech was so profound that the power of the words can still be felt today when the speech is heard. Whenever I hear the “I have a Dream” speech, it makes me think about the legacy that Dr. King left through his words, actions, and dedication. Then, I think about the legacy that I want to leave.

As we all know the underlying message of this website is to encourage others to be inspired and evolve. This is why I birthed this blog. I want to create change in the world by helping others realize that they have the power to evolve beyond the person that they are at this moment. By helping to build others up and giving them the tools and inspiration to make strides toward the life they envision, I can help contribute to the world I wish to see. My dream is that we all stop existing and start living. Any dream that you may have, I want you to pursue it no matter how small or big it may be. Regardless of how unrealistic or far fetched it may seem, pursue your dream. Like Dr. King, you may not live to see the dream come into fruition, but your work may be the starting point and the impact might be so great that someone will be inspired to continue on the journey and fight on.

This week I encourage you to go listen to Dr. King’s “I have a Dream” speech. After listening, I encourage you to visualize the world that you wish to see. Write down any dreams or goals that you wish to pursue and how your dreams will impact the world. As we commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we must continue to be grateful for the work, the dedication, and ultimately the sacrifice contributed through his life and legacy. Continue to be inspired and evolve. Happy birthday Dr. King!


Happy New Year!

Fireworks and bottles popping, 2021 is here! Happy New Year! It is now a new day, month, and year. We all have the opportunity to embark on a new journey in our lives. Last year was a year of great sorrow and change, but that is all behind us now. Although we will never forget 2020, we have a chance to move forward and start anew.

At this moment, I know many are making resolutions for the new year. People are celebrating and envisioning their hopes for 2021. That’s a good thing! But just take a moment right now to thank God for bringing you through to see this day. As the Winans Brother’s song say millions didn’t make it, but we are the blessed ones who did. God is so good to us all and we must never forget it. Remember in this New Year of 2021 that we will press forward, aim for the stars, and embrace every opportunity that comes our way. Even when things do not go according to plan, we will regroup, rebuild, and make the best of every opportunity. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to make your resolutions and work toward your goals. Continue to be Inspired and Evolve. Happy New Year to all of my fellow Evolvers!


The “Perfect Gift”!

Christmas is only 4 days away and I know we all have some last minute shopping to do. If you are anything like me, I know you’ve gotten swept up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I still have a list of things to pick up for my loved ones and frankly I am burnt out. For the past few weeks I have been running in and out of stores looking for the “perfect gift”. I had been so caught up in the hype of getting the “perfect gift” that I became sidetracked and wasn’t focused on the most important things surrounding the holiday. In addition to the birth of Jesus- the greatest gift, Christmas is about being with your family and spreading love.

Honestly, the “perfect gift” equates to love. The size or price of the gift doesn’t matter. So, if you haven’t gotten around to completing your list, don’t stress. Think of something simple that remind those special people that you are thinking of them during this holiday season, but at the same time doesn’t put a dent in your wallet. Some ways to do this is by creating a gift budget of $20 or less for each person. You could also do a family gift exchange, a Christmas greeting card, or send baked goods. Whatever you decide to give will be that “perfect gift” because it came from the heart. God sent His only begotten Son into the world at this time of the year to express His love for us. So remember to give love on Christmas Day! Continue to Be Inspired and Evolve! Merry Christmas to you all!


Continue to Be Thankful!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holidays are in full effect and Christmas is right around the corner. Hopefully everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving full of love and laughter. Although Thanksgiving has come and gone, I still want to encourage everyone to stay in the same mind frame. Continue to be thankful and love on your family.

With Christmas being a few weeks away, everyone should be participating in their usual holiday traditions. Decorating the house, trimming the tree, and other festivities that pull the family together. Don’t just do these things as a ritual. Instead, crank up your holiday spirit and use this as an opportunity to spend time with the ones you love the most. I don’t need to remind everyone how this has been a rough year because we have all experienced loss. With that in mind, I encourage you to appreciate this time with your family and love on them as much as you can. Be thankful, love on your family, and spread holiday cheer.

This week, I challenge you to plan some activities that the whole family can participate in. If you haven’t already, pick a tree and decorate it. Also, you can decorate the house, plan a Christmas movie night, or a small Christmas party for your household (remember to practice social distancing). Think of ways to amp up the Christmas spirit in your home and make memories with your loved ones. It would be nice to find something to smile about after such a tough year. Continue to be thankful and appreciate time with your family. Be inspired and evolve!


Preparing To Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is a few days away and I have been looking forward to this day all year. This year has been very traumatic and many of us have suffered great loss. That makes this holiday much more meaningful. I am looking forward to feasting and fellowshipping with the ones I love. When we gather together this Thanksgiving, I can’t wait to hug my family a little tighter and I look forward to all the fun and laughter that we will share.

After experiencing such a tough year, this Thanksgiving, we must really love on our family and think about the things we are most thankful for. Of course we must still practice social distancing, but we must also cherish time with those we love. When we gather around the table to give thanks together, don’t just focus on the meal. Pray together, express what you are most thankful for, and remind each other about the importance of family. Also, remember to honor the ones who did not make it to witness this day. This is not just any old Thanksgiving, this is a day to really give thanks with a grateful heart after such a mind-blowing year.

During this holiday, I challenge you to make a list of all of the things you are most thankful for. This is the time to really count your blessings and see how good God has been to you even in the midst of turmoil. I also challenge you to make memories. Think of a way that you can make this holiday unforgettable through fellowship. Maybe you can bring games for after dinner or even encourage others to participate in karaoke. Create memories that will last a lifetime, count your blessings, and give thanks. Continue to be inspired and evolve! Happy Thanksgiving Evolvers!


Still Making History

The results are in! Congratulations to our new President-elect Joe Biden. More importantly, congratulations to our new Vice President-elect Kamala Harris who has made history. She is truly an inspiration as she has become America’s first female and black Vice President. Wow! Talk about black girl magic. Vice President Harris has really shattered the glass ceiling and is the epitome of unlimited success.

Vice President Harris set out to break barriers and limits. Never before has a woman, and not just a woman but a black women, been elected as Vice President. However, she did not allow that to stop her from accepting President-elect Biden’s offer to be his running mate. Instead, she worked hard and put her best foot forward to shatter all limitations. Her success shows us the importance of hard work and a daring mindset. We must learn to never minimize our abilities and to go against all odds. We must never be afraid to try even if we fail. President-elect Biden reminds us that he ran for presidency three times and failed. Because of his perseverance, in January he will become the 46th president of the United States. We never know what we are capable of until we try and never give up. Always believe in yourself and your abilities. Then, take on the challenge even when you are unsure of the outcome. Remember, it is better to try and fail then to never try at all. Push pass perceived limits because you could be the one to make the difference.

During the address, Vice President Kamala Harris decided to step out on stage to a song entitled “Work That” by Mary J. Blige. This was very inspirational because the song reminds us to “work what we got”. The lyrics encourages us to be ourselves and follow our dreams regardless of what others say. Things may get tough along the way, but keep pushing and believe in your ability to overcome. The message in this song is extremely inspirational.

This week, I challenge you to look at any challenges that you are trying to overcome or any goals that you are trying to achieve. Then, I encourage you to strategize and go after them in full force. You never know what you are capable of until you launch out to achieve it. I know Vice President Kamala Harris never thought that she would be the first female Vice President of the United States. Her hard work and dedication led her on this path and brought her to VICTORY! We never know where our paths will lead us; just continue to work hard and stay the course. Someday, you could make history! Continue to be inspired and evolve!


Inspire Change… Go Vote!

“Be the change you wish to see” -Unknown

This week, we have a very important event coming up. Tuesday is Election Day in America, as we all know. This is not just any election, this is one of the most important in American history and the world. The presidential election of 2020 will really alter the direction of our lives depending on who wins. It’s vitally important that we all get out and cast our votes. We must make our voices heard and us them to evoke change.

Whenever I visit my child’s school or hear the principal speak, she always remind the students, staff, and community to “Be The We”. She inspires us to be the change that we wish to see wherever we are. This has even been adopted as the school’s motto. Our words and actions must reflect the things that we wish to see in the world. If we change ourselves, we can change the world as Gandhi eloquently states. This applies to the world today. Many of us are unhappy with the current leadership of this country. The need for new direction is evident and it is up to us to make this happen. If we want to see change, we must influence it. It’s important that we use our voices to inspire change in order to shift the direction of the world.

This week on Tuesday, I challenge you to get out and vote if you have not already done so. Be the We and use your voice! Make your voice heard and inspire change. Inspire others to do the same and bring them with you. Let’s all stand together and shake the world. Let our voices be so profoundly hear that all uncertainty is clear about the candidate that we desire to run our country. We can’t just talk about change, we must put action behind our words. It is not enough to complain about the world. Instead, let us all join together and do our part in shaping our world. Inspire change by using your voice! Get Out and Vote! Continue to be inspired and evolve!


Inspiration From Children

There’s joy and wonder everywhere when you see the world through the eye’s of a child. – Katrina Mayer

As we all know, the holiday’s are here and the festivities have already commenced. Well, this weekend, my family and I took a trip to the pumpkin patch to take pictures and pick out our 2020 family pumpkin. The experience was extremely magical. Something about visiting the pumpkin patch and going home to have our carving party really elevates the excitement of the holiday spirit. Seeing my baby smiling, carefree, and marching the grounds in search of the perfect pumpkin reminded me of the joys of being a child.

Children are truly an inspiration. We as adults spend our lives teaching and guiding our children; however, raising children should be viewed as a two way street. We can honestly learn many valuable attributes from watching our little ones. Our adventure this weekend reminded me of a few ways in which we could be inspired by viewing the world through childlike eyes.

As Katrina Mayer stated, children find joy, wonder, and inspiration in everything. The world is literally their playground and their canvas. In viewing the world through the eyes of children, we can learn to be resilient, confident, and color outside the lines. By coloring outside the lines, I mean we dare to be different, bold, and unafraid to try new things. Most of all, children possess an incredible amount of spirit. In essence they are very admirable beings who add lots of color and excitement to our world.

Honestly, a great deal of these traits are missing in many adults in the world today. We have lost our childlike qualities that matter. For some of us, we allow the little child in us to emerge during the holidays. Then, they are tucked away once more after the New Year settles in. We must adopt a childlike mentality throughout life in many situations. It’s important that we never lose our wonder. Also, we must remember to color outside the lines, find inspiration in everything around us, and always be confident in being ourselves. This is our challenge this week; view the world through the eyes of a child. I suggest maybe even visiting a pumpkin patch or creating your own adventure. Continue to be inspired and evolve!